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Gazebo Simulation in ROS Melodic & Ubuntu 18.04 OS

Dependency Packages

The following instructions are for Ubuntu 16.04 OS and ROS kinetic version. If you do not have ROS on your system, please refer to here; if you are using Ubuntu 18.04, please refer to here; if you have your own setup for ROS, please make sure the following packages are installed:

    sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-cv-bridge ros-melodic-stage-ros ros-melodic-map-server \
    ros-melodic-laser-geometry ros-melodic-interactive-markers ros-melodic-tf ros-melodic-pcl-* ros-melodic-libg2o \
    protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev libsuitesparse-dev libgoogle-glog-dev ros-melodic-rviz libopenni2-dev

In addition, to compile some of the new techiques that we tried on this project, please install additional package:

For compile with lapkt_planner:

pip3 install catkin_pkg
sudo apt-get install libcgal-dev

Workspace Setup

The set up process is similar to other ROS project built with catkin. First create a workspace and a directory called src.

mkdir -p ws/src

Then go to the newly created directory.

cd ws/src

Then clone the three repositories.

git clone
git clone
git clone

Since the latest developments are pushed to the dev branch of RoboRTS-v2, we also need to check out the correct branch. And also, we have the switch branch to melodic in roborts_gazebo as well.

cd RoboRTS-v2
git checkout dev
cd ../roborts_gazebo
git checkout melodic

Build the code

There are two building system can work with this project: catkin_make or catkin build. The recommanding building system is catkin build, as it builds the project by packages and provide more detailed logs.

Build code with catkin build

In order to use catkin build, we need to install catkin tools first. Please follw instruction in this link to install catkin tools.

After catkin tools has been installed, we can simply build the diectory by running:

cd [path_to_ws]/ws
catkin build

Build code with catkin_make

To build the directory, simply run

cd [path_to_ws]/ws

Test with samples:

In order to use all the package and nodes from this project, we must source correct .bash file.

cd [path_to_ws]/ws
source devel/setup.bash

To bring up the simulation, run

roslaunch roborts_bringup multibots_sim.launch


roslaunch roborts_bringup multibots_sim.launch gui:=true

to run with gui open.

Open another terminal,

cd [path_to_ws]/ws
source devel/setup.bash
ROS_NAMESPACE=/r1 rosrun roborts_decision behavior_test_node

This will open the decision node for robot r1.

There are more instuctions in this page to show the usage of this project.